MPs.. community.
Mr Teo Ser Luck is really good-looking in person!Anyway, he came across as a very humble man. And this is despite his success in the private sector. Wow. I'll certainly be looking forward to hearing his parliamentary speeches. Yep together with Mr Baey Yam Keng's too.
If I were to meet him face-to-face, I'd definitely ask him what's happening to Queenstown. Like, this whole place, which was once bustling with activity is becoming a desolate ghost town, save for the area closer to the MRT. I don't like it. This isn't the Queenstown I knew. The Queenstown I knew had large open spaces for neighborhood kids to run around and play silly Catching in. It also had many stone benches for the elderly to sit on and congregate around. It was a place where most people knew most other people. It was also a place where housewives would meet along the way to the market and gossip over the latest happenings as well as compared the prices of fish and what have you.
Now I don't know who sells what in the neighbourhood.. the large open spaces have since been set apart for other (unknown) use. The wet market which was a place where people got to know most other people is also gone. And for some unapparent reason, the sterile NTUC near my place is also quiet, even on weekends. What's happening? Where have all the people gone?
With economic development, must the sense of community be eroded?