Post exams Pre Placement!
The previous post sounds so serious huh.
REALLY looking forward to the 1-week break before placement!
Found a buddy who ends exams earlier than I do.. Stella!
Things I wanna do:1. Shop!! I've got a valid reason - placement. Gotta look presentable you know.
2. Swim
3. Blade (If possible)
4. Jog
5. Gym
6. Meet up with some cg friends and just spend time together =)
7. Man, gotta do readings before I start placement - how to engage kids, elderly, read up on counseling theories, mediation, policies concerning these groups of people.
8. Go on a get-to-know Toa Payoh one-day tour! - I need to know my area.. where the kids go, where the playgrounds are, where the housewives congregate, where the elderly hang out, who the MP will be, where the police station, town council, rental blocks are located! This is seriously fun business ;) Haha and find out where Care Corner FSC is located.
9. Celebrate turning 21!
10. So many things. ONE thing I ask - that I may live in His love and presence everyday.
What do I exist for?
Just a thought that crossed my mind.
Recently, I found myself saying "There's no choice right?". Then I made a choice, thinking I don't have a choice. And resented myself for doing that.
I DO have a choice. I have a freewill that I can exercise. Human agency.
In saying that I've got no choice, I chose to serve the interests of other people. I feel lifeless in doing what I don't like. In doing that, I don't glorify God.
I live to love God.
I live to serve God, not men.
I live - unto God.
I love doing what I like. Sometimes, that includes being alone, wandering around alone, or just staying at home to read, or jogging alone. Man, I do alot of things alone huh? At the risk of sounding eccentric, I'd say that it's really a joy to be able to do things alone. Such a peace.
Yet, I am really thankful to God because I've made a number of wonderful friends this semester! The time has also come for me to realise that I'm pretty accepting of the fact that there are some friends that have come and will go. Timing. And I'm not the best keep-in-touch friend to have.
I love who I am. I am happy to conclude that I've passed Erikson's identity vs identity confusion stage of development pretty successfully.
And I live unto Him.
I'm looking forward to placement and getting involved in FASS Day!
Here I come! Exams first for now.
Man.. a boy killed himself because he was convinced his penis was too small. Sex education had better be high on the government's agenda.
a lazy Monday!
Had a good rest today. Slept LOTS. Went swimming. forgot my goggles. wanted to borrow from lifeguard but decided against it in the end. I'm shy.
Visited my gran. My, she's not feeling well... my heart aches seeing like like that. She lamented about some relationship issue and cried. Anyway, I took a step of faith to pray for her. I can't do much to help her, but God can!
A close relative is in hospital. Hmmm... fell down at home. My bro visited him already. So sweet to hear that he's eagerly waiting for his wife to visit him that day. They about 7o+ years old already! This is what I call faithfulness and commitment. Anyway, I spoke to his wife. She's fine. They're like this couple who helped my family ALOT when we were in need. Definitely a couple who stood my us. I am eternally grateful to them. They're like my grandma and grandpa. Gonna visit him tomorrow.
Maybe I should really consider taking the module called "Working with the Elderly". Gerontology's gonna be a focus in future!